The relevance of creating a gastronomic guide (on the example of Vladivostok)

  • Шеметова Елена Васильевна

    Elena V. Shemetova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Kamilla V. Prikhodko

    Kamilla V. Prikhodko. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article is devoted to the study of the relevance of creating a gastronomic guide on the example of the city of Vladivostok. A gastronomic experience that extends beyond the mere consumption of food can meet the demand for total immersion in the culture of the host country/region. Since 2021, Primorsky Krai
has been included in 28 regions participating in the Gastronomic Map of Russia project, however, for the successful promotion and development of new gastronomic services in Vladivostok, information support is needed, for example, presented in the format of a reference publication, to which tourists can
turn for help in search of information, such a publication is a guidebook. The purpose of the study is to analyze the gastronomic resources of Vladivostok on the basis of theoretical and practical materials and to identify the relevance of creating a gastronomic guide. The methodological basis of the study is the
analysis of gastronomic resources as an information base for creating a guide in the tourist market of Vladivostok using the methods of comparative analysis, questioning, systematization and observation. The theoretical aspects of the gastronomic guide are considered, the market of local gastronomic guides
is analyzed, the main representatives of the gastronomic services market are identified, the interest of consumers in creating a gastronomic guide is revealed, and recommendations for creating a guide are made. The scientific novelty lies in the clarification of such a concept as a "gastronomic online guide" in
the framework of the development of gastronomic tourism. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of recommendations for creating an online gastronomic guide using the example of the city of Vladivostok together with ANO "Tourism center of Primorsky Krai".
Keywords: tourism, gastronomic tourism, reference publication, tourist guide, gastronomic guide, catering services, catering industry, catering establishments, gastronomic events in Vladivostok city.